Intensive computing for the Social Sciences

Workshop organized around Intensive Computing in Social Sciences at the Complex Systems Institute in Paris, May 21st, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, 113 rue Nationale, Paris 13th, France.

Free but necessary registration :


Preliminary Programme

> 10:00-10:30. Introduction : Patrice Bourdelais, Head of INSHS, CNRS

Presentation of the ERC GeoDiverCity : Denise Pumain, UMR Géographie-Cités

Presentation of the Complex Systems Institute : David Chavalarias, UMR CAMS

> 10:30- 11:30. OpenMOLE and its uses in Social Sciences

The OpenMOLE plateform, presentation and tutorial : Romain Reuillon and Mathieu Leclaire, ERC GeoDiverCity / ISC-PIF

A collective and interdisciplininary approach of geographical modeling around OpenMOLE : Paul Chapron, Clémentine Cottineau, Sébastien Rey Coyrehourcq, Clara Schmitt, ERC GeoDiverCity / UMR Géographie-Cités

> 11:30-12:30. Questions and discussion

> 2:00-4:00. « Regards croisés »

Big data and intensive computing : The Social Sciences in revolution ? : David Chavalarias, ISC-PIF

Equipex Matrice : Denis Peschanski, CNRS/Université Paris 1 (to be confirmed)

The « Run My Code » experiment, Christophe Perignon, HEC Paris (to be confirmed)

The MEXICO network : Robert Faivre, INRA

The interdisciplinary MAPS network : Marion Amalric, UMR CITERES

The SimTools network : Patrick Taillandier, UMR Idées

The research group GDR Modys : Xavier Rodier, UMR CITERES

> 4:00-5:00. Discussion : Modeling and intensive computing in Social Sciences

Michel Audiffren (GIS Réseau National des MSH), David Chavalarias (ISC-PIF), Guillaume Deffuant (IRSTEA), Catherine Garbay (IMAG), Michel Gollac (CREST), Thérèse Libourel (LIRMM), Anne Ruas (IFFSTAR), Françoise Thibault (Alliance Athena), Hervé Zwirn (CVT Alliance Athéna)