The global hierarchy of port cities in 1890 based on steamer vessel traffic

The enormous concentration of traffic upon a few large cities confirms the paramount importance of the Atlantic area (London, Liverpool, Cardiff, and New York) as well as of specific poles such as Hamburg and Buenos Aires, the latter being at the time a growing rival of European capitals. Other cities stand out less by their traffic than by their important share of steamer traffic, among which Antwerp, Bombay, Baltimore, and New Orleans. Asia is the region outside Europe hosting the largest number of cities specialized in steamer traffic.
For more information on data and further analyses (in French):

César Ducruet

Flows of steamer vessels among world regions in 1890

Based on the circulation of 4,772 merchant vessels on the period January-April 1890 (Source: Lloyd’s Weekly Shipping Index), the map reveals a trading system highly polarized by Europe and the United States – the main commercial centres at the time. The proportion of most modern vessels (steamers) in total traffic (including sailing vessels propelled by wind) concentrate on the most beneficial and frequent routes (Europe-USA) but also highlight the deployment of this recent innovation towards Asia and Africa in a context of reinforced colonial interests following the opening of the Suez canal (1869).

César Ducruet