ERC GeoDiverCity International Workshop
Theories and models of urbanization
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th October 2017 | Paris, France
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Opening of the workshop
Denise Pumain & David Chavalarias
Session 1 | Urban theories and complexity (1)
Keynote speaker: Michael Batty | Discussion: Juste Raimbault
Session 2 | Building models: experimentation of theories and reproducibility
Keynote speaker: Romain Reuillon | Discussion: Clémentine Cottineau, Paul Chapron, Guillaume Chérel, Mathieu Leclaire, Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq
Session 3 | Urban theories and complexity (2)
Keynote speaker: Elsa Arcaute | Discussion: Horacio Samaniego, Francisco Maturana
Session 4 | Urban theories and big data
Keynote speaker: Marc Barthelemy | Discussion: Arnaud Banos
Session 5 | Are scaling laws transferable towards urban theories?
Presentation: Olivier Finance & Elfie Swerts
Session 6 | Economy versus geography: theories of urbanization and cities development
Keynote speaker: Michael Storper | Discussion: Lena Sanders, Isabelle Thomas, Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo
Download the presentation by Lena Sanders, Isabelle Thomas & Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo |
Session 7a | Economy versus geography: theories of urbanization and cities development
Presentation: Solène Baffi & Clémentine Cottineau
Download the presentation by Solène Baffi & Clémentine Cottineau |
Session 7b | Which theories and models from and for big data?
Presentations: Thomas Louail and Robin Cura
Session 8 | Urban theories and international comparison
Keynote speaker: Fulong Wu | Discussion: Natacha Aveline & Elfie Swerts
CONCLUDING ROUNDTABLE | International comparisons: harmonization of data, comparability of results, level of universality for theories and models
Animation: Eric Denis & Denise Pumain | Questions to: Elsa Arcaute, Michael Batty, Marc Barthelemy, Michael Storper, Fulung Wu
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