ERC GeoDiverCity International Workshop: videos

ERC GeoDiverCity International Workshop
Theories and models of urbanization
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th October 2017 | Paris, France

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Opening of the workshop

Denise Pumain & David Chavalarias

Session 1 | Urban theories and complexity (1)

Keynote speaker: Michael Batty | Discussion: Juste Raimbault


Download the presentation by Michael Batty


Download the presentation by Juste Raimbault

Session 2 | Building models: experimentation of theories and reproducibility

Keynote speaker: Romain Reuillon | Discussion: Clémentine Cottineau, Paul Chapron, Guillaume Chérel, Mathieu Leclaire, Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq


Visualize the presentation by Romain Reuillon online


Download the presentation by Clémentine Cottineau

Session 3 | Urban theories and complexity (2)

Keynote speaker: Elsa Arcaute | Discussion: Horacio Samaniego, Francisco Maturana


Download the presentation by Elsa Arcaute


Download the presentation by Horacio Samaniego


Download the presentation by Francisco Maturana

Session 4 | Urban theories and big data

Keynote speaker: Marc Barthelemy | Discussion: Arnaud Banos


Download the presentation by Marc Barthelemy

Session 5 | Are scaling laws transferable towards urban theories?

Presentation: Olivier Finance & Elfie Swerts


Download the presentation by Olivier Finance & Elfie Swerts

Session 6 | Economy versus geography: theories of urbanization and cities development

Keynote speaker: Michael Storper | Discussion: Lena Sanders, Isabelle Thomas, Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo


Download the presentation by Michael Storper


Download the presentation by Lena Sanders, Isabelle Thomas & Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo

Session 7a | Economy versus geography: theories of urbanization and cities development

Presentation: Solène Baffi & Clémentine Cottineau


Download the presentation by Solène Baffi & Clémentine Cottineau

Session 7b | Which theories and models from and for big data?

Presentations: Thomas Louail and Robin Cura


Download the presentation by Thomas Louail


Download the presentation by Robin Cura

Session 8 | Urban theories and international comparison

Keynote speaker: Fulong Wu | Discussion: Natacha Aveline & Elfie Swerts


Download the presentation by Fulong Wu


Download the presentation by Natacha Aveline & Elfie Swerts

CONCLUDING ROUNDTABLE | International comparisons: harmonization of data, comparability of results, level of universality for theories and models

Animation: Eric Denis & Denise Pumain | Questions to: Elsa Arcaute, Michael Batty, Marc Barthelemy, Michael Storper, Fulung Wu

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Articles récents

ERC GeoDiverCity International Workshop

ERC GeoDiverCity International Workshop

The ERC GeoDiverCity will organize an International Workshop in October about « Theories and models of urbanization« . The ambition of the meeting is to engage discussion about fundamental questions regarding urban theories and modeling. Invited keynote speeches will be followed each by a roundtable of discussion. Related major results from the ERC will also be presented. The intention of the workshop is to summarize the state of knowledge and prepare an agenda for future research.

The provisionnal programme and the procedure of registration can be found on this dedicated page.

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