On Tuesday April 24th 2012, the ERC programs MECHANICITY and GEODIVERCITY met at a pre-AGILE workshop in Avignon.

First part: joint session with Workshop “Complexity modelling for urban structure and dynamics” organised by Bin Jiang  and Itzhak Benenson

Mike Batty and Robin Morphet, « Spatial complexity »

Denise Pumain, « Organizing a variety of agent-based models for solving theoretical problems »

Itzhak Benenson
, « Equations or geosimulation? To understand the phenomenon you need both! »

Bin Jiang
, « Head/tail breaks: A new classification scheme for data with a heavy-tailed distribution »


Urban Growth, Chair: Denise Pumain

Elsa Arcaute (MECHANICITY), « Looking for scaling in UK Cities »

Clémentine Cottineau (GEODIVERCITY), « A tool for assessing the specificity of the evolutionary path of Russian cities »


Urban Boundaries, Chair: Mike Batty

Erez Hatna (MECHANICITY), « Redefining urban boundaries towards scaling »

Elfie Swerts (GEODIVERCITY), « A multi-level analysis of urban growth in the Indian urban system »

Simulating cities, Chair: Arnaud Banos

Mathieu Leclaire and Romain Reuillon (GEODIVERCITY), « Openmole, a generic platform for model experimentation using distributed computing »

Clara Schmitt and Sebastien Rey-Coyrehourcq (GEODIVERCITY), « Simpoplocal, a simulation model for early urban settlements : automated calibration with genetic algorithm »

Erez Hatna (MECHANICITY), « The Schelling model of Segregation: the effect of agents with distributed tolerance thresholds »

Thomas Louail (GEODIVERCITY), « SimpopNano, a model for exploring the effect of networks on urban dynamics »

Conclusion of the day, discussion and perspectives of collaboration

AAG Annual Meeting 2012 NYC

Contribution from the GeoDiverCity research group to the AAG session « Evolutionary Economic Geography« , organized by D. F. Kogler and D. Rigby, 24th February 2012 :

Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo and Fabien Paulus : « Innovative activities and economic trajectories of cities (USA, France) ».

Contributions from the GeoDiverCity research group to the AAG session « Agent-Based Models and Geographical Systems« , organized by A. Heppenstall, M. Batty, M. Birkin, Ch. Bone and A. Crooks, 25-26th February 2012 :

Sebastien Rey Coyrehourcq and Clara Schmitt : « Guided and automated exploration for the calibration of an agent-based model ».

Elfie Swerts : « Simulating the evolution of urban systems in developing countries : the Indian case ».

Einar Holm and Lena Sanders : « Agent-based spatial microsimulation for modeling emergence and long term dynamics of labor markets and settlement systems ».

Clémentine Cottineau : « A tool for assessing the specificity of the evolutionary path of Russian cities ».

Thomas Louail : « Consequences of streets networks and accessibility patterns on cities’ spatial organization : a computational study ».

Denise Pumain : « The Simpop family : form an evolutionary urban theory to a computable, agent-based geographical ontology ».

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